上海科技大学信息学院(ShanghaiTech SIST)


Rule of SIST 3D Printer Room Management (provisional)


In order to manage 3D printer room effectively and provide good service to ShanghaiTech and other customers, the following rules are drafted:

1.     3D打印间的功能  Function of the 3D printer room

3D打印间为学生、老师及其他工程人员提供设备、环境、工具及其它资源,用于项目的模型设计及3D打印制作。优先支持学校范围内的研发项目,也接受校外研究机构与工业届的项目需求。3D打印间位于信息学院1B-B106室,打印机型号有Dimension Elite和Objet260 Connex3,另有与打印相关的工具、材料等。

The 3D printer room provides an environment, facilities, and resources for students, researchers and engineers to model design and 3D printing services in the research projects. We provide services to customers inside and outside the campus, but SIST has the first priority. The 3D printer room is located at Room B 106, SIST Building 1-B. Printers there are Dimension Elite and Object260 Connex3.

2.     管理规则:
General rules:

(1)   原则上3D打印间的开放时间为正常上下班时间(工作日8:30AM-16:30PM),但只要3D打印间的管理人员在,即可开放。管理人员在1B-204办公室,联系电话021-20685410。
The 3D printer room is open whenever the room supervisor is in the office. The room supervisor can be found in 1B-204 within the working hours (8:30AM – 16:30PM), and the contact number is 021-20685410.

(2)     安全第一。在3D打印间工作或参观时,请时刻将安全放在第一位,请一直保持这个意识,尤其在清洗3D打印模型时,需要使用一些化学溶液,注意个人安全。
Safety is always the number one priority when working in the 3D printer room. Always use common sense. Especially when using the chemical solutions to clean the models.

(3)   使用3D打印机前请先做好登记,登记内容包括:打印机型号,打印时长,耗材消耗情况等。
Sign in at the supervisor’s before using the 3D printer. The content includes: 3D printer model, printing duration and the consumables.

(4)   未获得管理者同意,禁止任何人使用3D打印间内的任何设备进行个人模型的打印。
No personal 3D printing is allowed on any of the 3D printers without prior approval from the room supervisor.

(5)   如果不确定设备或工具的使用,请寻求帮助,不要擅作主张强行使用。如果有东西损坏,请报告管理者。
Please ask for help if you are unsure of how to use a piece of equipment. Let the room supervisor know if something is damaged.

(6)   使用设备或工具时,必须按照它的既定用途使用,严禁另作它用。
Only use a tool for its intended purpose.

(7)   所有设备使用后必须整理、清洁。
Always clean up after yourself.

(8)   所有的设备在使用后必须恢复到使用前的状态或位置。
All equipment that you use must be put away in the appropriate location before you leave the 3D printer room.

(9)   3D打印间内不允许带入食物和饮料。
No food or drink allowed in the room.

   (10) 如有违反以上规定的行为,将暂停使用3D打印间。经再次培训后,得到管理人员许可,方可允许再次使用。

If somebody break the above rules in 3D printer room, he will be forbidden to use the room temporarily. After be trained and get approved by room supervisor to use it again.

3.   3D打印间设备

Dimension Elite打印机,Objet260 Connex3打印机,Dimension Elite原材料及工具包,Objet260 Connex3原材料及工具包,清洗机1,清洗机2,清洗间,防火设备,防汛设备等。打印机的参数及性能请参考网站介绍:



Dimension Elite printer,Objet260 Connex3 printer,Dimension Elite raw materials and tool kit,Objet260 Connex3 raw material and tool kit,cleaner 1,cleaner 2,model washing room, fire-fighting and water-fighting equipment, etc.

Please refer to the following websites to learn about the features of the 3D printers.

