
上海科技大学信息学院(ShanghaiTech SIST)

Rule of SIST 3D printer management


In order to manage 3D printer effectively and provide good service to ShanghaiTech customers, we do the following rule:


1.      3D printer operator should check and maintain printer regularly, and record the log.

3D 打印机操作人员需定期检查和维护设备,并做记录。

2.      If customers apply to print model, please follow below procedure:


a)      Please learn about the function of the 3D printer via internet or consulting the operator first.




b)      Design your own model. You can use any software you like, but please output your model as STL format. The 3D printers can only recognize STL file.

c)      Send the approved model by PI to operator, and send the requirement to the operator at the same time, including printer model, material, surface smoothness and so on.

d)     Operator will check if the STL model is Ok to print.

e)      Operator will calculate the cost for printing.


f)       Customer confirms the cost and pay. Then operator feedbacks a pick-up time.


g)      Customer pick up the model according to the time negotiated with the operator before.

3.      Model cost is calculated by this way 模型的费用计算方法如下:

a)      Dimension Elite 3D printer/Dimension Elite 3D打印机

Build model dimension max: 203×203×305mm (8×8×12inch)
Layer thickness: 0.1778/0.2550mm
Settlement: by weight, layer thickness and grid numbers of pallet,
V: volume of build, P: price per volume, N: grid number of pallet
Cost of build will be calculated as follows:
1) 0.2550mm: (V×P +N×4) ×120%
2) 0.1778mm: (V×P +N×4)×130% (cost of time)
最大打印尺寸:203×203×305mm (8×8×12inch)
层厚选择: 0.1778mm或0.2550mm

结算方式: 耗材重量和托盘使用格数
V: 打印件体积, P: 单位体积的价格, N: 托盘使用格数

1) 当层厚选0.2550mm时: 总费用=(V×P +N×4元/格) ×120%
2) 当层厚选0.1778mm时: 总费用=(V×P +N×4元/格)×130%

b)      Object260 Connex 3 3D printer/Obeject260 Connex3 3D打印机

Build model dimension max: 255×252×200mm (10×9.9×7.9inch)
Layer thickness: 0.016mm
Settlement: by weight, and materials
W1: weight of material 1, W2: weight of material 2, W3: weight of material 3, W4: weight of material 4
P1: price of material 1 per weight, P2: price of material 2 per weight, P3: price of material 3 per weight, P4: price of material 4 per weight
Cost of build will be calculated as follows:
Total cost = (W1× P1+ W2× P2+ W3× P3+ W4× P4) × 130% (Operation fee is 30%)
最大打印尺寸:255×252×200mm (10×9.9×7.9inch)
层厚: 0.016mm
W1: 材料1的重量, W2: 材料2的重量, W3: 材料3的重量, W4: 材料4的重量
P1: 材料1的单位重量价格, P2: 材料2的单位重量价格, P3: 材料3的单位重量价格, P4: 材料4的单位重量价格….
计算方式: 总费用=(W1× P1+ W2× P2+ W3× P3+ W4× P4) ×130%(30%设备运行费)

4.      ShanghaiTech SIST has the first priority to print model.
