规章制度 Rules

仪器机时管理规则(Rules of Sessions

1.         电镜平台的仪器分为常规仪器和高端仪器。常规仪器实行“申请-培训-考核-授权”管理机制,校内用户在经培训并获得授权后可以独立预约和操作仪器。高端仪器(球差电镜,俄歇扫描电镜,场发射透射电镜等)实行“申请-评审-测试-反馈”管理机制,校内和校外用户可在测试申请获得评审通过后委托工程师使用仪器。

Instrument in CℏEM are classified as ordinary and advanced. For ordinary instrument, users from the university who hope to operate independently follow an application-training-examination-authorization route. For advanced instrument, all users follow an application-review-tests-report route.

2.         对所有仪器,电镜平台有权预留一定机时用于仪器安装维护,用户培训,教学演示等活动。

EM center has the right to reserve proper instrument time for installation/maintenance, user training, and education demonstration.

3.         对常规仪器,按照用户预约分配使用机时。电镜平台有权根据机时预约的紧张程度,限制和调整每个课题组每周的最大机时数及最大用户数。

For ordinary instrument, instrument time is allotted according to the booking of users. EM center reserve the rights to limit and adjust the maximum booking time and the maximum users for each instrument.

4.         对常规仪器,用户在每周日晚上9点后,可在大型仪器共享平台网站预约下一周的机时,提前预约无效。用户须严格遵守预约的上机时间,若有时间变动,须提前至少一天通知,避免机时浪费。针对机时特别紧张的JSM7800F Prime,规定:每个课题组每周总机时不超过6小时,其他仪器在机时不紧张的情况下不做限制。JSM-7800F Prime的用户,请需要机时的课题组在周一下午17点前完成预约,17 点后空余机时将由电镜平台支配,有额外机时需求的用户,请发邮件至相应仪器负责老师,申请额外机时,并务必注明样品名称,测试要求等,由负责老师准许适当仪器额外机时的预约。其他仪器用户预约时间不做限制。禁止使用他人账户预约。

For ordinary instrument, users start booking from 9 pm on Sunday for the next week. Any cancellation must be made at least one day before the booking time. Special booking rules for JSM 7800F Prime due to its fully occupied schedule.

5.         对高端仪器(球差电镜,俄歇扫描电镜,场发射透射电镜等)使用申请,遵循三个月长期申请审核制及一个月短期申请审核制,按照评审结果分配使用机时。评审结果以审核专家组投票方式决定。详细申请规则参照附录1。用户须在每三个月的月初三天(长期项目)或每个月的月末三天(短期项目)提交使用申请供评审。对于国家重大专项项目中的紧急测样需求,可酌情优先安排,由评审委员会评审。

Application of advanced EMs (including ARMs, AES, F200, etc.) refer to regulations in Appendix I. The long-term application will be accepted on a three-month basis during the period of first three days of each quarter of the year. The schedule of EM sessions will be guaranteed by EM staffs. The short-term application will be accepted on a monthly basis during the last three days of each month. Short-term projects will be evaluated through the same procedure, but schedule of short-term application depends on the availability of advanced EMs. Sessions cannot be guaranteed. Most important national projects have priorities according to the judgment of EM Committee.